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O-spline FIR filters for obtaining the Synchrophasor of Real Signals

Date: Tuesday, May 25                               Time:  – 

                                                                      Add to calendar: Webinar2.ics

Name and title of the speaker: Prof. Jose Antonio de la O Serna


Organisation: Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon UANL, Mexico

Biography of the speaker: Jose Antonio de la O Serna (SM’03) received his Ph.D. degree from Telecom ParisTech, France, in 1982. In 1987 he joined the Ph.D. program in electrical engineering at the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (UANL), where he was a member of the Doctoral Committee. Currently he is research professor at the UANL, Monterrey, Mexico. He was also professor at Monterrey Institute of Technology (ITESM) from 1982 to 1986. From 1988 to 1993, he was with the Electrical Department at the Polytechnic School in Yaounde, Cameroon. Mr. de la O Serna is a member of the Mexican Research System.

Abstract: Nowadays Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) performance evaluation depend on the a priori knowledge of the synchrophasors of the analyzed signals. Since synchrophasors are available only for the few benchmark signals of the standard IEC/IEEE 60255-118-1:2018, such assessment is impossible for other signals, such as those occurring in a real event of a substation. A new method for obtaining the synchrophasor of real signals is proposed in this webinar. A finite impulse response (FIR) filter, designed with the nonic O-spline is proposed to obtain phasor estimates asymptotically close to those of the ideal bandpass filter. The phasor estimation accuracy of one or several PMUs can then be assessed using the standard. In addition, it is possible to design two FIR differentiators to obtain frequency and ROCOF estimates close enough to those provided by the corresponding ideal differentiator filters, and largely compliant with the standard. This new set of filters opens the way to apply the synchrophasor standard to assess estimates of PMUs of different brands, when they process the signals of the same power system event. Furthermore, these filters can also be used to separate oscillating modes of power oscillations.