Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA
Mladen Kezunovic at kezunov@ece.tamu.edu

The system-in-the loop (SIL) testbed is developed to evaluate new synchrophasor based applications. The full-scale end-to-end synchrophasor testbed allows evaluation of algorithms under real power grid operating conditions, and its robustness can be quantified under various failures in the synchrophasor infrastructure.
The SIL testbed assumes that a control system and a physical system are tied together in an implementation that resembles the production environment of actual control systems. The only differentiation is that the SIL production environment is not connected to control actual power system but a system model instead.
This production system is implemented using commercial products and instrumented to allow for new applications to be embedded and evaluated through interaction with the rest of the system components. It consists of multiple Phasor Measurement Units (PMU), substation and control center Phasor Data Concentrator (PDC), and a Software Defined Network (SDN) controller for emulation of different communication protocols and network features. It contains a full suite of synchrophasor software from Alstom/GE, integrated with OSISoft PI historian and Esri GIS software. The input measurements come from three sources: actual network, real time simulator (OPAL-RT), and signal generator. The power system network is modeled after an actual power grid, so the test cases are scaled to a real-life application.
Contact Mladen Kezunovic at kezunov@ece.tamu.edu
Certification Lab:
Contact Mladen Kezunovic at kezunov@ece.tamu.edu