Past Workshops

NSF Workshop, TAMU
Theme: “Using Smart Grids Big Data”
College Station, USA | April 18, 2017
For discussing new, innovative directions for using big data in smart grids, this workshop will provide invited speeches, panel and focus group discussions, and a student poster session. In addition, there will be ample opportunities for meeting experts from academia, industry, and national labs, as well as international partners.
IEEE International Workshop on Applied Measurements for Power Systems
Liverpool, UK | September 20-22, 2017
The workshop deals with all the aspects related to measurement applications in new power systems and networks (Smart Grids) and has the main goal of encouraging discussion on these topics among experts coming from academia, industry and utilities. Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Conventional and nonconventional current and voltage sensors
- Phasor Measurement Units
- Measurements systems and devices in Smart Grids
- Distributed measurement systems
- Measurements on electric power plants and machines